Close Quarter Battle CQB


Our four-day close quarter battle training is for operators or units that want to learn combat-proven techniques of clearing a house or a structure both aggressively and safely.

This course will be taught by former military special operators who specialize in close quarter battle.

Duration ; 4 days

Skill prerequisits

This Course requires earlier training and/or experience in the subject. Candidate should complete Combined Firearms or PMC course prior attanding this course. The IBA accepts active or former Law Enforcement or Military personel to attand this training. The ESA will accept current MSO or PMC operatives. Applicants need to present valid criminal record check or its equivalent.

The training program is based on proven training methods.


  • Two, three and four man room clears
  • Areas of responsibility
  • Points of domination
  • Sectors of fire
  • Command and control
  • Shooting on the move
  • Target discrimination
  • Hallway clears
  • Stairwells
  • Deliberate and rolling assaults
  • FX Simunition – scenario drills