Advanced Driving Training


The main gold of this course is to provide the security driver with the necessary abilities to anticipate, act and react on the road with different types of grip, speed, vehicles and weather conditions.

It´s our objective is to stimulate the anticipation, the action and reaction of the human factor and apply it to the security professional. Our training is therefore designed for conscientious individuals aspiring for excellence in the security professional driving core.

Our purpose-built on the track allows the highest safety and operational performance, in this course you are challenged to practice several skills before you acquire the B6/B7 certification to be able to work as a professional.

 Duration ; 2 days

Skill prerequisits

Driving License – B category. The candidate does not have to possess prior experience in Close Protection.


  • Introduction to security driving
  • Accident Avoidance
  • Vehicle structure
  • Vehicle preparations
  • Vehicle Dynamics
  • Physics-forces operating on a vehicle
  • Study of active and passive vehicle assistance systems.
  • Proper seating Position
  • Steering Wheel Management
  • Planning and choosing routes and roads
  • Risk assessments
  • Practice with different types of vehicles and traction, FWD, RWD, 4WD
  • Practice with different types of gearboxes. MT / AT
  • High-Speed Slalom (forward and reverse)
  • Direction change [J-turn, U-turn]
  • Emergency Braking Techniques – ABS and non-ABS
  • Traction Control and ABS
  • Recovering from an emergency situation
  • High Speed Turns Skid Control & Correction
  • Understeering / Oversteering
  • Road barriers and obstacles
  • Exercises on track with less grip and no grip
  • Exercises in wet track.
  • Rescue techniques in the event of an accident. Rollover
  • Motorcade Evacuation Techniques
  • B6/B7 Armoured Vehicle familiarization
  • B6/B7 Armoured Security Driving in a non-grip track with water