Vehicle Close Quarter Battle VCQB


This special course focuses on fighting inside and around vehicles.

Based on real-world experience and instances of our instructors, students will learn combat shooting employing a vehicle, proper stances, car evacuation tactics, use of cover, counter ambush, assault on car, properly engaging enemies within vehicle and test

Definitely a necessary course for CPOs, patrol personnel (police-military), security drivers and people working/living in High-Risk Areas.

Duration ; 4 days

Skill prerequisits

This Course requires earlier training and/or experience in the subject. Candidate should complete Combined Firearms or PMC course prior attanding this course. The IBA accepts active or former Law Enforcement or Military personel to attand this training. The IBA will accept current MSO or PMC operatives. Applicants need to present valid criminal record check or its equivalent.


  • Safety Rules
  • Theory
  • Methods of weapon carry inside a vehicle
  • Shooting through glass windows
  • Shooting from vehicle/shooting inside the vehicle
  • Choice of targets
  • Use of Cover
  • Car Evacuation Tactics
  • Team Drills
  • Counter Carjacking attempts
  • Ambush/Counter-ambush
  • Force on Force

